About the Notes
When Joyce was writing Ulysses he called it, among
other things, "a sort of encyclopedia." The novel's greatest
challenge to readers––its practice of constantly alluding to
things outside its own pages––can also be a source of great
pleasure, because these external contexts richly reward study.
They are interesting in their own right, they create a universe
of meaning around the narrative of events, and they inform the
narrative far more subtly and variously than may appear on a
first (or second, or third, or fourth) reading.
This site's notes add to the work of scholars who have produced
print collections of Ulysses notes over the last six
decades, but their format is different. Weldon Thornton (1961,
1968), Don Gifford (1974, 1988), Sam Slote (2012, 2022), and
others have imitated the style of footnotes or endnotes, usually
supplying contextual information in the briefest and most
objective way possible and leaving it up to readers to imagine
how the information might affect a reading of the novel. The
commentaries on this site are more like encyclopedia entries or
short literary essays. Freed from the limitations of print
publication, they aim to guide the reading process rather than
simply to give it raw material, exploring contexts in greater
detail, showing how those contexts may shape readings of the
text, elaborating on issues more discursively, and illustrating
verbal content with visual, aural, and cinematic images.
"Notes," then, is something of a misnomer for all but the
shortest essays on this site. While I hope that the expanded
scope will provide an attractive alternative to the minimalism
of other collections, I am also aware that length comes with a
cost. Longtime readers of the novel may be looking for new,
fresh insights to add to all the others they hold in their
heads, but first-timers are simply trying to keep their heads
above water. For them, too much information is worse than too
little. Therefore, each note here starts with an opening
paragraph that offers new readers what they need and no more.
After taking in these brief summaries of essential context and
its significance, people who have an appetite for more can click
on “Read More” to find further contextual details, close
readings of Joyce's prose, mentions of related passages
elsewhere in the novel, discussions of relevant scholarly
studies, and considerations of rival interpretations and textual
variants. These later paragraphs will sometimes contain
"spoilers"––but nothing can really spoil the reading of Ulysses.
All notes quote from the passages they are glossing to save
users from having to go back and forth between note and novel,
and to help them quickly locate commentary on passages that
interest them. In notes comprising many paragraphs and
discussing many different passages it may be difficult for a
user to locate a particular passage, so in later paragraphs
boldface type is often used in quotations to help catch the eye.
When notes are keyed to passages in different chapters of the
novel, as happens frequently, at least one colored hyperlink is
supplied in the text of each chapter, on the assumption that a
user may be reading only that chapter or may have forgotten
something learned in an earlier one.
The notes do not attempt any global interpretations or
readings of the novel; they simply elucidate passages ranging
from one word to a few sentences. But by pointing out
connections to other passages, and sending the reader to other
notes through additional hyperlinks, they may assist larger
readings. Nearly every detail in Ulysses has
relevance, not only to details immediately before and after it
in the order of the narrative, but also to ones that may lie
hundreds of pages off. The notes supply threads to begin
multi-directional navigation of the labyrinth that Joyce
constructed—whether to pursue perfect comprehension, or become
happily lost, or simply seek the nearest exit, will be up to the
All notes conclude with authors and years of posting. Although minor changes are sometimes made without changing the year, substantial revisions receive new dates. When additional material is tacked on to an existing note, there is sometimes a bracketed date––e.g., [2018]––at the start of the new text.
These notes will, I hope, take users farther into this great
novel and also farther outside it. The implications of Joyce's
allusions are often subtler and more far-reaching than may
readily appear, so brief summaries often fail to adequately
plumb their depths. But the book that Joyce wrote is not only
something to mine for buried meanings. It also opens windows
onto countless external landscapes: poetry, fiction, drama,
people, places, history, music, language, philosophy, science,
religion, mythology, technology, clothing, commerce, psychology,
sexuality, race, and every other imaginable aspect of human
culture. The title index and
the subject
index will give some sense of the range of topics.