

In Brief

The source of the "Kraa. Kraandl" sound heard near the end of the Sirens overture is identified several sentences from the chapter's end: "Tram kran kran kran. Good oppor. Coming. Krandlkrankran." Bloom sees, and hears, a tram moving up the northern quays in the direction of Phoenix Park, and he spots a good opportunity to release some intestinal gas without being noticed.

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While Joyce does not take as much onomatopoeic care in representing the clangs, cranks, and screeches of the approaching tram as he does in describing the rumblings moving through Bloom's belly and the winds blown from his anus, the harsh sounds he strings together are enough to let a reader imagine the effect. And probably many readers will sympathize with the cunning that Bloom displays in timing his fart ("Yes. One, two") to the arrival of a sound loud enough to keep it from being heard.

JH 2023

1907 photograph of a tram moving downriver on Bridge Street, across the river and several blocks upstream of Bloom's position on the northern quays just past the end of the large Four Courts building. Source: