Ulysses Grant
Ulysses Grant
In Brief
Molly recalls a visit to Gibraltar of "general Ulysses Grant
whoever he was or did supposed to be some great fellow." Grant
(1822-85), one of the greatest figures of American military
history, did pay such a visit in November 1878, a year and a
half after the completion of his second term as U.S.
President. At that time Molly would have been 8 years old.
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Grant's strategic genius and iron determination in leading
the Union armies to ultimate victory in America's civil war
led to his election as the youngest President in American
history in 1868. He reversed former President Andrew Johnson's
drift toward the interests of southern whites, creating the
Department of Justice to suppress the Ku Klux Klan and
directing troops to enforce national law in the states of the
former Confederacy. He also pursued peace with Native American
tribes, mended fences with Great Britain and Spain, and
promoted trade with other nations.
After leaving the hugely undesired office of the presidency
in March 1877 Grant began a world tour that would last for two
and a half years and bring him and his rising nation
international acclaim. Jubilant crowds in various European
cities greeted "General Grant" as the great military leader
that he had proved himself to be, the "hero of
Appomattox"—though he declined all such boasting, presenting
himself as a man of peace. U.S. naval vessels carried him to
many of his destinations, and he conducted several unofficial
diplomatic embassies on behalf of new President Rutherford B.
Hayes, including intervention in some disputes between
In visits to important English personages in June 1878 it was
decided as a matter of protocol (innovative at that time) that
Grant was still President of the United States. Gifford
observes that this status, when he visited Gibraltar later in
the year, "technically would have merited a twenty-one-gun
salute," which may explain Molly's association of the
general's visit with "their damn guns bursting and booming
all over the shop especially the Queens birthday and
throwing everything down in all directions if you didnt open
the windows."
It seems likely that Joyce chose to include Grant in his
novel at least in part because of the accident of his first
name. Named Hiram Ulysses Grant by his parents, he decided
early on to call himself Ulysses. During a part of the world
tour in which he explored the Mediterranean Sea, stopping at
Naples, Palermo, Malta, Alexandria, Jerusalem, Constantinople,
and Athens, Grant often read aloud from a translation of
Homer's Odyssey. In the Holy Land he met with a group
of American Jews who were there to distribute aid to oppressed
Palestinian Jews and promised to help their cause when he
returned to the United States—qualifying him, perhaps, as an
honorary "greekjew."
The tour also took him to Dublin in January 1879. Irish attitudes toward the great man seem to have been mixed. A Methodist, he had expressed sympathy for America's anti-Catholic Know Nothing movement in the 1850s, and Tom Deignan observes in a 22 July 2017 short piece on www.irishcentral.com that Catholic members of the Cork City Town Council objected to his visiting their city, prompting him to visit Belfast instead. But his great-grandfather had emigrated from County Tyrone in the 1730s, and he expressed support for the Fenian movement. "Grant, ultimately, was embraced by the Irish," Deignan reports.